Cellulite Reduction 101: The Do’s & Don’ts

Cellulite Reduction 101: The Do’s & Don’ts

Cellulite is one word that all women dread - whether 16 or 60, it’s common with women of all ages. Facts state that nearly 9 out of 10 women have some degree of cellulite on their thighs, buttocks, bellies and arms.

Women across the globe are spending around $12 million a year on anti-cellulite treatments ranging from fancy creams to risky surgery - with only a few managing to get the desired results.

So what’s the secret that helps some to get rid of cellulite effectively, while others continue to struggle with diet, exercise and endless treatment options?

The success of any anti cellulite treatment largely depends on your approach. It is very important that you know the facts about cellulite treatment, and abide by the do’s and don’ts of cellulite removal to get effective results.

Let us first have a look at the Don’ts:

Cellulite Reduction Don’ts

  • Don’t drink carbonated drinks as they can cause dehydration - insufficient water intake is the main cause of cellulite.
  • Don’t take diuretic herbal supplements - they may decrease fluid build-up and make fat cells appear smaller, but these supplements negatively impact your digestive system and other body parts.
  • Don’t stick to topical treatments, or anti cellulite creams - they never offer lasting results.
  • Don’t think surgery is the only option – there are many non-surgical treatments which offer impressive results.
  • Don’t eat junk food - spicy sauces and salty snacks only contribute in aggravating cellulite.

Cellulite Reduction Do’s

  • Do dry brushing twice a day using a soft bristle brush, it helps in tightening the skin and renewing the cells on the affected area.
  • Do massage the problem area - it helps prevent fat accumulation and the breakdown of collagen in the skin.
  • Do drink 3-4 cups of green tea – it burns extra fat, thus reducing cellulite, boosting blood circulation, enhancing the metabolism and detoxifying the body.
  • Do stick to a healthy, balanced diet, and complement it with moderate exercise as it helps your body burn fat effectively.
  • Do choose the right anti cellulite treatment that’s lesser complex and more effective. We recommend the Velasmooth Pro – a clinically proven cellulite reduction treatment that targets those problem areas while toning your body.

It uses radio frequency and infra-red light blended with vacuum suction and massage technology. The heat and radio frequencies act in unison to shrink fat cells and improve the metabolism of fatty tissues, while the massage done by rollers and vacuum improve circulation which further helps in reducing the treated fat cells.

Tackling cellulite isn’t an impossible task – following the right approach can help reduce the dimply appearance.

Want to have a cellulite free body? Why not book a Velasmooth Pro session with our experts - call us on 04 343 7987.


No payment or credit card needed - simply book your appointment time conveniently using our online booking system.

Located in Oasis Mall 2nd Interchange, Sheikh Zayed Rd, Al Quoz 1 (Free parking).

Call us on 04 3437987 for enquiries.

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